Thursday 31 March 2016

BioDoc International Profile


BioDoc International Ltd is a consultancy which exists to provide world-class professional expertise and services in the development and implementation of sound and effective Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems.

We employ knowledge and expertise garnered from years of experience in Occupational Health and Safety, and Environmental Management. Our professionals are seasoned, with expertise acquired from experiences in the private and public sectors; cutting across schools, community based organizations, administrative facilities, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to projects funded by major development Banks such as the World Bank (WB), African Development Bank (AfDB) and French Development Agency (AFD).

Our desire is to bring management and labour together within organizations in order to promote safe, healthful and hazard free workplaces; a consequence of serious long term commitment by management towards the safety and health of their employees. Furthermore, we employ international best practices to our Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and Environmental Management projects being implemented for our clients. OHS is an important part of any business or industry and should be approached professionally, with care and consideration. Occupational accidents and diseases cause great human suffering and loss. The economic cost is high. Yet public awareness of occupational safety and health issues tends to be low. All too frequently it does not get the priority it merits. For this reason, BioDoc International exists to educate businesses on the financial torture that inefficient or absent safety and health management systems may bring to your business operations.


·         Occupational Health and Safety Leadership
·         Behaviour Based Safety Programs
·         OHS Financial Analysis
·         Industrial and Process Safety
·         Aviation and Transport Safety
·         Organizational and Professional Development 
          (Capacity Building)
·         Environmental Management
·         Occupational Diseases
·         Agricultural Safety and Animal Health
·         Construction Safety
·         Oil and Gas Safety

Our Occupational Health and Safety Training Programs

·         233 Hour Oil & Gas Safety and Health Professional
·         132 Hour OSH Professional
·         48 Hour OSH Manager
·         44 Hour OSH Specialist
·         36 Hour OSH Trainer (Trainer of Trainers)
·         36 Hour OSH Supervisor
·         36 Hour OSH Safety Committee Team Leader
·         32 Hour OSH Safety Committee Team Member
·         30 Hour Construction Safety
·         10 Hour Construction Safety


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