Tuesday 15 March 2016

Is this Military training? See How Nigerian Airforce officials maltreated a female recruit (photos/video)

Saw this on Facebook, and found it hard to believe. A female recruit/student at the Nigerian Defense Academy was told to put her head on top of a wood while raising up her body in a 90 degrees angle after being rolled in mud.
She was flogged by senior male recruits before she was put through this excruciating punishment all in the name of N.D.A training. 
Photo Credit
Conversation between the senior male cadets and the woman and more pictures after the cut.
Senior Cadet: Answer me , is this the Airforce of your dreams?
Woman:  (while sobbing)   Yes Sir
Senior Cadet: What is your name?
Woman : …H.T Ebenezer sir (while crying)
Woman: Sir please
Senior Cadet: What of your Fiancee? Do you have a fiancee?
Senior cadet:  Don’t worry after this weeks of training you will appreciate it’. ‘I will flog you again o, Ebenezer’.
Photo Credit
The appropriate authorities should take this seriously, even though less can be done because this things happen all the time.

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