Friday 19 February 2016

It's Murphy's Birthday

On the 18th of February a dynamic, vibrant and a shy young man was born. Murphy (Pastor as he is fondly called) had to be celebrated as our usual custom. The colleagues planned and threw a small get together.

Below are the pictures showing the fond moments shared yesterday.

D celebrant 

Celebrant with Abie 1

Both with Bassey babe

The pretty Beks had to join the fun

No be small thing

All with d Don and Kome

Only God knows what they were peeping into

D IT Engineers

D shy guy

Had to tilt to get a good view

Let's look this way

D Celebrant with 3 musketeers

No stopping wanting more snapshots

All with the celebrant's sister

What was Peace trying to collect

Blood is thicker than water

see posing

It was a beautiful day. we ate and made merry.

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