Wednesday 2 March 2016

See The Look On The Face Of ‘Abducted’ Bayelsa Girl, As She Is Set To Return Home (Photos)

Ese Oruru, the 14 year old girl “abducted” by one Yinusa and taken to Kano where he converted her to a Muslim and married her was at the police headquarters in Abuja yesterday.
Ese is still insisting that she was never abducted and that she and Yinusa have been “friends” long before she followed him to Kano.
She also insist that she is 17 and not 14 as her parents are claiming.

Parents have alot to learn from this incidence, because if the parents showed enough love to Ese, there definitely will not be any kind of love at 14 shown to her that will pull her away from the home. 

What assurance do we have have that she won't escape again. We have a lot of work to do as parents.

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